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What is this site all about? ÒI used to believe that we must choose between science and reason on one hand, and spirituality on the other, in how we lead our lives. Now IÊconsider this a false choice. We can recover the sense of sacredness, not just in science, but in perhaps every area of life.ÓÊ Ñ Larry Dossey, M.D. in Reinventing Medicine Welcome to Quanta-Gaia. The view expressed by Larry Dossey above sums up nicely the essence of Quanta-Gaia. Science and spirituality aren't mutally exclusive. In fact, each can make the other stronger. Our planet would benefit immensely if we acknowledged the innate syngery between the two. A new worldview would emerge. One of wholeness and interconnectedness. Human strife and conflict would be substantially reduced. And we would take to heart the importance of proper stewardship of the environment. Quanta-Gaia is about science, itÕs about spirit and spirituality, itÕs about philosophy, and itÕs about how these are all inextricably tied together. Some may be turned off by mentioning the words Òscience,Ó Òspirituality,Ó and ÒphilosophyÓ all in the same sentence. These disciplines have been in conflict in our society for far too long. More can be learned by uniting them than by continuing the schism. It would seem that humans crave a sense of the sacred, as Science has become a secular religion. No doubt that the word ÒscienceÓ is the line of demarcation for most. After all, it is not ÒscientificÓ to talk about spirit or soul, now is it? And if you are into spirituality, philosophy, or perhaps even the paranormal, you probably take a jaundiced view of anyone talking about science Ñ those Òignorant,Ó Ònegative,Ó ÒskepticalÓ types. Well itÕs time for this petty bickering to stop. No matter which side of the fence you are on, there is something to be learned from the other side. Each side is at an impasse, though neither side really sees it. I came from the ÒscienceÓ side myself. I used to deride the ÒnutsÓ on the other side. But a funny thing happened to me on my scientifically self-righteous journey: i stopped and listened to what science was telling me, and to my surprise it said: ÒHey bud, this world is a lot different than you think. In fact, nothing is really what it seems.Ó I then realized that many of todayÕs leading physicists were sounding like mystics, and like the shamans of certain ÒprimitiveÓ societies. With this realization, i began to ask the bigger question: What does this all mean? And: How did this come about? This site is about shedding some light on those questions and coming up with a few answers. It is partly about laying a scientific basis for spirituality, philosophy, and even the paranormal. It is also about understanding what science really is, the role it currently plays in our society, and about tempering ÒscientificÓ fanaticism. Not every paper of Quanta-Gaia deals with these issues directly, nor with science. Some papers are included simply because they are consistent in their overall scope with Quanta-GaiaÕs ideology. Examples of this are Mark TwainÕs essays, and some of the papers in the John Dobson site, or various Larry Dossey books and interviews, such as this two-part interview by Oprah, available for free on iTunes. Science, Spirituality, Philosophy, Metaphysics, and even the Paranormal are all complementary disciplines. Unfortunately, there are charlatans in each who discredit their field. The paranormal charlatans give it such bad press that i hesitate to even mention it, but i think that there are proportionately as many Ð if not more Ð scientific charlatans in our society. Particularly in the fields of medicine, cosmology, and astrophysics. Unfortunately, the scientific charlatans are socially acceptable so they actually get good press rather than bad. Being in positions of importance in our society, they may inflict greater social harm than the paranormal charlatans. Every society has its witch doctors; ours is no different. While a blending of science and spirituality seems inevitable and desirable, it should be done intentionally, openly and rationally. Unfortunately, it tends more often to occur accidentally, covertly, and irrationally. No better example of this exists than Big Bang cosmology, which masquerades as legitimate science, but is full of Fairie Dust†. Big Bang cosmology isnÕt a scientific theory. Measurement after measurement, observation after observation, has falsified it. Rather than discard the theory, as the scientific method demands, Dark Matter and Dark Energy were invented to shore it up. When the fudge-factor exceeds real data by a factor of 20 to 1, something is horribly wrong. Yet its proponents adhere to it with the fever of a zealot. ItÕs a creation myth for atheists (one, ironically, invented by a Roman Catholic priest, Georges Lema”tre). The fact that atheists crave a creation myth tells us something about the human psyche, and the need for a rational science tempered by spirituality, rather than an irrational ÒscienceÓ driven by covert spiritual passion. Interestingly, the same passions are in play in the debate over Darwin. But itÕs somewhat different in that neither side has it quite right. The truth lies somewhere in-between, as a spiritually guided inquiry is likely to demonstrate. In time, this site will deal more directly with issues such as cosmology, biology, evolution, sociology, health and healing. In the meantime, after you have perused the John Dobson section, you might want to read The Electric Sky by Donald E. Scott, or watch the Thunderbolts of the Gods video. Quanta-Gaia, in summary, is a place where science and spirituality meet and play. Science alone is not enough for humanity, but any spirituality in opposition to science is nearing the end of its life. Quanta-Gaia is science, spirituality, and the cosmic wholeness which embraces them both. It is where mind and matter blend Ñ where dreams become real and reality is but a dream. ÒThere are things we do not understand, yet they exist nonetheless.Ó ÑÊ Lt. Worf, Star Trek, The Next Generation † Fairie Dust = Fabricated Ad hoc Inventions Repeatedly Invoked in Efforts to Defend an Untenable Scientific Thesis |
What does ÒQuanta-GaiaÓ mean? Quanta-GaiaÕs etymology is straightforward: Quanta is from ÒQuantum Mechanics,Ó a branch of physics dealing with subatomic particles. Gaia Ñ also spelled Gaea Ñ is the Greek goddess of the earth. In modern usage it refers to the ÒGaia HypothesisÓ Ñ the view of the Earth as a living organism. Quanta-Gaia, while firmly rooted in science, is tempered by a holistic and spiritual view of the Earth and the Cosmos. (Quanta-Gaia is pronounced: kwon-tuh gay-uh.) |
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